NGFA, AFIA Release OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Program Guidance |
The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) today released a hazard communication compliance program guide for consideration and use by grain handling, feed, ingredient and processing facilities.
With a June 1 implementation deadline approaching for compliance with major elements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), the associations created the document to ensure the industry is prepared for updated compliance requirements. For more information, download the free guidance document.
The primary implication of the newly revised OSHA standard is that shipped raw grains and oilseeds, as well as some feeds and ingredients, now must comply with OSHA’s requirement to issue a revised safety data sheet (SDS). For this reason, the guide provides sample SDS language, explains labeling requirements, summarizes the changes and answers frequently asked questions on:
The associations’ goal is for information in this guidance to be adapted by industry firms in tailoring a hazard communication policy for their individual facilities – whether they be grain handling, feed, ingredient or processing facilities.
AFIA and NGFA developed the documents in conjunction with the Corn Refiners Association and the North American Millers Association.
The newly revised standard, updated by OSHA to conform to the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized Standard for Classification of Chemicals, requires chemical manufacturers and importers to evaluate the chemicals they produce or import, and provide hazard information to employers and workers by putting labels on containers and preparing safety data sheets. The modified standard provides a single set of harmonized criteria for classifying chemicals according to their health and physical hazards, and specifies hazard communication elements for labeling and SDS. Major changes to the standard that are primary focuses of the guidance include: